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M I N T   S P A C E S

Our services





Working with Landlords 

We help Landlords in two ways: 


If you already have an investment property that is not performing well, or you are struggling with tenants moving out and as a result you end up having voids, then we can help to lift up the interiors of your existing property.  We can help you achieve good rental rates and have fewer voids. We do interior styling for HMO’s, short lets and small refurbs. 

  • Initial Zoom call: We can have an on-line meeting to assess the project. In some cases we would be able to have a physical meeting, to view and assess the property requirements and to discuss your investment goals. 

  • Interior design assessment: we offer advice on how to maximise the use of the spaces in your investing property. I can also advise you on how to make small changes with the furniture lay out and other design aspects to make the property fit for renting and able to deliver better returns.

  • If required, we can make suggestions on how to style the property interiors and if appropriate you will get a list of suggestions for a few items of furnishings and where to source them.

  • Optional property styling after furnishings or furniture have been set up. I will visit the property to style it and decide where the wall art, dressings and decorations could go, to get the property ready for your property photographer session.  You can then get great photos to advertise and market the property and use the pictures again and again, every time you need to find a new tenant.


If you own a property and have decided to rent it using a chosen strategy, or if you have to get the property ready but are busy and don’t want the hassle of getting it ready, we can help. This is how we work:

  • Initial Zoom call: We can have an on-line meeting to assess the project. In some cases we would be able to have a physical meeting, to the view and assess the property requirements and to discuss your investment goals. 

  • Interior design assessment: Advice about how to maximise areas in your investing property, I can also advise you on how to furnish the house to have it fit for renting to your chosen type of tenant. 

  • After assessing your investing goals and ideal type of tenant for your property, we can discuss what the best style option for your property could be, to maximise the property occupancy. 

  • Property Layout Plan: You will get a basic layout plan of each room, with the furniture and furnishings proposal.

  • Interiors furnishing items selection and sourcing: I then produce a list of items to purchase with sourcing details.

  • Optional property styling after furniture has been delivered and set up. I will visit the property to style it and consider where the wall art, dressings and decorations should go.  I will help get the property ready for your property photographer session, so that you can achieve great photos to advertise and market the property and use the pictures again and again, every time you need to find a new tenant.

Working with Property Investors 


  • I am a certified Wealth Dynamics Flow Consultant and I am able to offer guidance and advice in this area.  I help my clients find the easiest and most productive path for them to meet their objectives, whilst doing what they naturally excel in!

  • My experience in property helps me understand the context in which you are operating. Using the Wealth Dynamics model I help you find where your passion and talents lie … your natural flow.

  • When you have clarity on the areas and tasks you are best at, you will achieve more in less time. Finding your flow will energise you and maximise all your efforts.  I will help you with this.

  • Interested to hear more?  I would love to have a chat with you.  Please click below to find out more details of what you will get in your one to one session.




These are some of the benefits when working with us...

Bespoke Interiors

Win win solutions

Happy to discuss your specific


Joint Ventures

Prompt responses

Access to extensive property professionals network

About Us

Mint Spaces was born out of our passion for property and design. 

Our Mission is to transform properties into beautiful spaces to live, providing property owners with a

hassle free secure rental income whilst offering our tenants the best purpose designed environment at affordable prices. 

We aim to offer great quality accommodation to our customers, providing high standard and a great living experience for our tenants.  We hope to enhance their quality of life and daily routines, by offering a nice environment, which is homey and colourful, yet peaceful and practical.



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